
Experienced in cutting edge Technologies 

Keeping abreast with Technology

Technology is constantly evolving. Our teams invest in themselves to not just learn about the latest developments in technology but also participate in-company training to make them better

Technologies Served

Cloud Services

This term is no longer the buzzword in the industry. If you are not on the cloud, then you are missing out on the power of digital transformation. Remember – With Pindarutech, the cloud is within your reach!

Cloud Computing

Cloud computing offers delivery of various computing services including servers, storage, databases, networking, software, analytics, and intelligence using the basic three models Infrastructure at a service, (IaaS), Platform as a Service, (PaaS), Software as a Service(SaaS).

Our offerings

We at Pindarutech offers cloud computing services enabling you to build and deploy applications, protect data, helps you to offer your clients software versions and updates within a short time, with features like embedded intelligence, data analytics.

Amazon Web services, Azure, Alibaba Cloud, IBM Blue mix, Google Cloud – we can deploy and work on any option to ensure that the best of these services are made available to your organization

Benefits to you

 Cloud computing has simply changed the way business is done – saving significant costs & time for developing, deploying, and managing applications and infrastructure.The benefit of on-demand approach for infrastructure, seamless integration is not just related to costs, but also flexibility, speed and economies of scale.


The integration of applications is the keystone for a large part of automation strategies for which Application Programming Interfaces(API’s ) have become indispensable. Link with us for all your Application Programming requirements

Application Programming Interface

Application Programming Interfaces(APIs)  have made everyone’s lives easier by enabling different platforms, applications, and systems to connect and share information with each other and carry out diverse types of tasks.

Modern APIs adhere to standards (typically HTTP and REST), have a much stronger discipline for security and governance.

However, if APIs if not created & managed properly, it could make your life difficult leading to redundancies & increased maintenance costs.

Our Offerings

We at Pindarutech have partnerships with various API providers to help clients leverage the best out of them.

We offer a very broad range of API services including analytics, developer management, and hybrid integration service.

  • Faster innovation
  • Enabling efficient business transformation
  • Ease of integration
  • Cost savings due to deployment within shorter timelines
  • Increasing brand presence in the market


DevOps (a portmanteau of “development” and “operations”) combines software development and IT operations enabling organizations to deliver applications and services faster. Connect with us to partner with you for best in class DevOps solutions


DevOps is complementary with Agile software development and helps in optimizing both the productivity of developers and the reliability of operations

DevOps helps organizations perform smaller incremental updates reducing risks associated with a deployment like the time required for bug fixing.

Our Offerings

An efficient & effective DevOps strategy would help while you are continuously developing & deploying without worrying about impacting your project stages.

Benefits To You

DevOps helps organizations perform smaller incremental updates reducing risks associated with a deployment like the time required for bug fixing.

DevOps use microservices architecture to make their applications more flexible and enable quicker innovation.

Frontend & Mobility

Building good websites and mobile applications is not just about content and design. The look & feel is the UI – User Interface and UX is the User experience. Both put together creates the engagement magic with your customers. Reach out to us for maximizing User Experience.

Mobile development

Frontend mobility development is thus the key to the success of any website or mobile app as it ensures that the design is responsive, the structure is conducive for search engine optimization, the proper software architecture is used.

Our Offerings

We at Pindarutech with our expertise in front-end development support our clients in designing websites and mobile which offer users the best in class experience.

We offer solutions using tools like AngularJS, PreactJS, ReactJS, VueJS, etc. to ensure that the websites and mobile apps created are popular.

  • Better flexibility and functionality
  • Optimum performance with minimum bandwidth usage.

BackEnd Development

Backend development languages handle the ‘behind-the-scenes’ functionality of web and mobile applications and work in tandem with the front end to deliver the final experience to the end-user. Partner with us for strong backend development.

Backend Development

Without solid backend support, a great-looking frontend can easily fail and users will turn away if functions are compromised.

No matter how enticing a webpage looks at first glance, visitors will eventually turn away if the functions are compromised.

Thus backend support is critical for the success of websites or mobile applications.

Our Offerings

Our technical team has years of experience in back-end development in writing complex functional protocols, creating extensive libraries, developing extensive components to ensure consistent performance of the system.

Our back-end solutions include building custom back-end layers or cloud integration or any other services, Key Technologies include, Java/ J2EE,microsoft.NET,Node.js, PHP, Python, Ruby on Rails.

Benefits To You

– increased speed of development

– Free up time for focusing on core business, higher value coding, front-end development

– Higher scalability

– Better performance

Data Engineering

Data Engineering ensures that data models are created, data pipelines are built, and oversee the Extraction, Transformation, and Loading of Data. This is vital for Data scientists to use this cleaned data to build predictive models.  

Be it Master Data Management, Enterprise Data Management, Data Lifecycle Management, or Customer Lifecycle Management, you are in safe hands. Connect with us!

Data Engineering

Data Engineering, hence, is vital for providing clean data for Data scientists. They use it to build predictive models for further AI/ ML requirements

Our teams have experience in Hadoop, Data warehousing, ETL, Oracle, Unix, Hive, and other technologies/ certifications related to your product.


Our Offerings

We offer the following services under Data Engineering:

1. Performing ETL Activities – Extract-Transform-Load

2. Completing Data cleansing and transformations

3. Develop Data Models

4. Data Analytics

  • Provide accurate insights 
  • Error-free data would enable better data models
  • Experienced Data Engineers would ensure accurate data sets.
  • Seamlessly handle large sets of Data

Artificial Intelligence/Machine Learning

Machine learning is the science of working on small, medium & large sets of data to arrive at patterns. 

AI or Artificial Intelligence is the science to make computers behave in a manner similar to how humans behave. Partner with us to take your AI/ ML game up by several notches.


We provide complete support to build AI/ML products, help with a wonderful team of experts in this field. 

Our Offerings

NLP or Natural Language Processing – We work with Structured & Unstructured data, Speech, Cognitive analytics

Create Chatbots

Data Mining and Pattern detection

Analytics – Data Visualization and Analytics

Predictive technologies

Benefits To You

– Help improve your AI/ ML Capabilties

– Be your extended arm for your teams while filling in gaps in any subsets of analytics or data

Leverage us for Cutting Edge Technologies